Chris Foss: 21st Century Foss

Year: 1978
Publisher: Dragon´s Dream
ISBN: 0906196094
Content: 144 pages with around 150 colour and 35 b/w illustrations

This was the second collection of Chris Foss´ art, including some rare sketches for the upcoming Jodorowsky version of the movie Dune which has been later abandoned (due to financing issues and then picked up by David Lynch with known results...)

The art collection features some general illustrations (landscapes, tanks, airplanes, ww2, etc.) as well, but  focus is mostly on science fiction spaceships, a trademark Chris Foss has earned so well-deserved during the 70´s. Most of these illustrations appeared on covers from the likes of Asimov, Herbert, Dick or Brunner, and with those vast spaceships and huge aircrafts, battles and explosions Foss created a new standard for scifi illustrations hard to ignore later on by all the following artists like Peter Jones, Eddie Jones, Peter Elson, Chris Moore, Colin Hay or Angus McKie.

You can still find some of the editions of this artbook on Ebay, Amazon or Abebooks, with variable prices due to the fact that this was one of the most successful books of the "Dean publishing associates" (Pierrot, Dragon´s Dream, Paper Tiger/Dragon´s World) and lived through many reprints, book club and foreign language editions.

Chris Foss has his own webpage, here.

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